Quick Home Inventory
Learn how to create a quick home inventory and organize it in the cloud for easy access and safekeeping. Having this record of your belongings could be life-changing if you ever experience loss or damage to your home and have to file a claim with your insurance company.
This online class is packed full of resources, including:
- How to create a quick video home inventory to document your belongings
- How to organize your home inventory in a digital album for safekeeping and easy access
- How and when to update your home inventory to ensure it is as accurate as possible now and for years to come
You will also receive:
- A printable checklist to keep track of the process
Westminster, CO
"Your home inventory class broke a very overwhelming process down into quick and easy steps!"
Windsor, Co
"My insurance agent has been pushing me to create a home inventory for years but I kept put it off because I didn't have the time! You helped me finally get this done and it only took two hours!"
Erie, CO
"I had no idea how important and easy it is to create a home inventory! With all the crazy weather in the news I am so relieved to have this done for my family just in case!"
Don't Wait Until it's Too Late!
Check out our other emergency preparedness classes that will walk you step-by-step through the process of preparing your home and family for the unexpected. This will increase the likelihood you are able to act quickly in the event of a fire, flood, tornado or other emergency!
Click HereThe Story Behind These Classes
Colorado's devastating Marshall Fire was just miles from where I live. Hundreds of families experienced incredible loss and faced the sad reality that they didn't have the information they needed to be reimbursed by their insurance company for all they had lost. The truth is, most of us don't!
In an effort to help as many people as I could avoid the same fate, I created a quick home inventory class and have been able to walk hundreds of people through the process of quickly documenting their belongings using pictures and video.
If you don't have this information for your own family yet, it's not too late! Simply, click the link above to get started today! You won't regret it!
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