Best of 2025 Album
These directions are for iPhones updated to the latest IOS 18.
How to Create a "Best of 2025 Album" in Apple Photos
- Open Apple Photos from your phone
- Scroll up until you see the “Albums” section and click to open
- Click “Create” in the top left corner
- Select “New Album”
- Add a title such as “Best of 2025”
- Click the blue “Done” button in the top right corner of your screenÂ
How to Add Pictures to Your Album
- Open Apple Photos from your phone
- Scroll up until you see the “Albums” section and click to open
- Find and and open your “Best of 2025” album
- Click the “+” sign which will pull up your photo stream
- Scroll until you find the beginning of last month
- Tap on a FEW of your favorite photos from the month
- Click “Add” in the top right corner of your screen
How to Quickly Find and Open Your Album
- Open the Apple Photos app from your phone
- Scroll up until you see the “Albums” section and click to open
- Find and and open your “Best of 2025” album
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