Best of 2025 Album
How to Create a "Best of 2025 Album" in Google Photos
- Open Google Photos from your phone
- Click the “+” sign at the top of your screen
- Select “Album” from the menu
- Add a title such as “Best of 2025”
- Click the blue “done” button in the bottom right corner
- Click “Select Photos”
- Scroll to the previous month
- Select a FEW of your favorite pictures from the month
- Click “Add” in the top right corner of your screen
- Your new album is now created
- To exit your album, click “”Back” in the top left corner of your screen
How to Add Pictures to Your Album
- Open Google Photos from your phone
- Select “Collections” from the menu at the bottom of your screen
- Click “Albums”
- Find and open your “Best of 2025” album
- Click “Add photos” below the picture at the top of your screen
- This will pull up your photo stream
- Scroll to the previous month
- Select a FEW of your favorite pictures from the month
- Click “Add” in the top right corner of your screen
How to Quickly Find and Open Your Album
- Open Google Photos from your phone
- Click "Collections” at the bottom of your screen
- Open the “Albums” section
- Find and open your “Best of 2025” album
Want to Learn More Simple Tips to Organize Your Digital Pics?
Check out our online, self-paced photo class that will help you transform your digital clutter into organized memories taking the stress out of finding and sharing your favorite photos!Â
Click HereDebbie
Broomfield, CO
"I have had the hardest time finding pictures on my phone when I need them but now they are organized and incredibly easy to navigate!"
Westminster, CO
"I learned so many great ideas on how to organize my digital pictures and systems I can put in place moving forward as I continue to take more and more pictures in the future!"Â
Thornton, CO
"The lessons in this class are incredibly easy to follow and helped me understand how to finally start organizing my pictures so I can find and share them without all the stress!"Â
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